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Posted by Phil Alsop on 20 April 2024 at 7:31 am
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Data analysed by the customer experience experts at CX Network, the global online network for customer service and marketing leaders, has found that AI usage to improve business operations in the technology sector has increased 25% since the end of 2023.

Findings showed that the use of AI to optimise business operations across tech has jumped from 52% to 65% from December 2023 to March 2024.

The IT and Communications sector has also reported an uplift in implementing AI to improve business operations by 11% since last year. However, the sector’s efforts to provide and personalise products and services to customers using AI have stagnated, with figures flatlining at 27% of businesses incorporating AI optimisation in Q4 2023 and Q1 2024.

The findings come as CX Network prepares for its upcoming webinar series: “The AI Revolution in CX 2024”, taking place from 23rd to 24th April.

With the prevalence of AI in the workplace growing across industries, the sectors quickest to adapt – such as tech – will be well placed to maximise ROI through optimising processes through AI, thus staying ahead of the competition.

Sam Richardson, Customer Engagement Consultant for Twilio, said: “Market conditions and tightened budgets, combined with more technology to choose from than ever before, are putting major pressure on businesses to deliver the best possible ROI from their tech spend.

“In 2024, organisations’ understanding of powerful technologies such as AI, and the role it can play in their operations, will continue to develop and mature. For example, our research shows that currently, only 34% of organisations in the UK are putting customer engagement at the heart of their AI strategy. In fact, nearly all respondents in this research listed greater operational efficiency (57%) and organisational growth (56%) as the key drivers behind their AI adoption and investment.

“If used correctly, AI will be an enabler of data-driven personalisation. However, AI technologies will only demonstrate ROI from a personalization perspective if organisations get their data in order first. Brands need to have the capability to not only collect customer data and store it in a way that’s unified, accessible and easy to understand but also filter and sort this data to ensure brands can leverage quality insights.

“When it comes to emerging technologies, brands need to take stock and ensure any action they’re taking is on the basis of thorough research, consideration, and testing to ensure they are truly worthy investments for the long-term – rather than just jumping on the bandwagon.”

Andrew Carothers, Senior CX Leader at Cisco, said: “As the customer demand for greater personalization and immediacy continues to grow, it has become nearly impossible for businesses to engage them at the right place, at the right time and on the right channel without the power of automation and AI.

“Today, as generative AI takes the world by storm, it is exciting to see the possibilities for its application in CX (customer experience). When used correctly, it offers incredible potential for allowing CX professionals and their organisations to deliver more personalised, memorable experiences to customers.”