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Unleashing Growth and Innovation for SMEs

We are excited to present AI Transform 2024, a game-changing conference and exhibition dedicated to empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the transformative potential of AI technology. Join us on 23 October 2024 at The Slate in Coventry, UK for an immersive experience that will revolutionise your business operations, unlock growth potential, and propel you ahead in the digital era.

In an ever-evolving business landscape, AI has emerged as the catalyst for success. As the Google CEO aptly stated, "This is a fundamental technology shift that will impact all of our lives." At AI Transform 2024, we will delve into the myriad of ways AI can revolutionise SMEs, empowering them to thrive in the digital age.

Our event brings together industry experts, thought leaders, and successful SME owners to explore key topics that directly impact businesses like yours. Discover practical AI adoption strategies for success, addressing implementation challenges, and uncovering the key success factors for maximising AI's benefits.

The AI Transform 2024 event is tailored specifically for SMEs seeking to leverage AI's power for growth. Our sponsors, AI solution providers, are eager to showcase their cutting-edge software and demonstrate how it can elevate your SME's potential.

Join us at AI Transform 2024 and embrace the future of SME growth through AI innovation. Secure your place as a frontrunner in your industry, unlock unprecedented efficiencies, and propel your business towards success.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to embark on a journey of digital transformation. Reserve your spot today, and let AI Transform 2024 pave the way for a brighter, more innovative future for your SME.

Register Sponsorship Opportunities
Sign up as a delegate
AI Transform invites a diverse group of participants including entrepreneurs, CEOs, CTOs, and employees from various sectors such as manufacturing, finance, education, hospitality, retail, and healthcare.

This event is tailored to help all forms of SMEs understand and integrate AI effectively.
Become a sponsor
For sponsors, we extend a warm invitation to a broad spectrum of companies: from AI developers and cybersecurity firms to telecom companies, business intelligence analysts, cloud infrastructure providers, Managed Service Providers and beyond. If you can offer companies assistance in their AI journey, this conference offers an exceptional platform to showcase advanced technologies, meet potential clients from a wide array of industries, and play a pivotal role in steering the future of business with AI.

Confirmed Speakers

AI For Non-Techies
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Alcea Consulting Limited
BML Global
Institute of Analytics
JMAN Group


